I have enjoyed immensly listening to Billy Bob. I bought a CD called Private Radio when it came out back in 2001 and loved it. He is a little different for most folks, which means I like his music a lot. I will see him perform next month hopefuly. I will let you know how that goes.
This is worth a look
I could listen to Sting any day, all day. Guy has Major Talent. I had to own the Police when it came out and anyone who knows me, knows I shy away from Commercial Musicians. Well for the most part, at least their music once they become commercial. The Police had a song called Walking on the Moon. It was one of my favorites. Well, it seems this guy Cas Haley. He decides to do his version of this song on Americas got Talent. He absolutely nails this song. I also love how he has Reggaed it even further than the Police of the earlier days. I even love the response of the Judges. Pure Classic video.
Here it is.
Here it is.
Dollar Store conspiracy
Where on Earth did Dollar Stores appear from? I think the Government uses them as Commodity Distribution Centers. They dont have that Government Cheese any more do they? Like when you could go get Generic Food(at least thats what it looked like with the White and Brown Packages with black lettering) from a distribution point designated by someone as "The Place". You used to be able to get Cheese, Peanut Butter, Honey, Rice, Instant stuff like Milk and Potatoes, Maccaroni. All kinds of stuff. They may still do that but I havent seen or heard of it in a long time. They still need a way to get things into the hands of the poorer Americans so what better way than to build Dollar Stores? You can get about anything you need to wash your ass, scrub your teeth, cure a cold, and bake a Cake. A person could get tired trying to look at everything availible in a dollar store. But if you think about it, they have everything else you cant get with Food Stamps. And it you have an allowance for Aluminum foil and Deoderant, why not get it for a Dollar? Need a gift for a Birthday? Thats a dollar! Need Batteries for that gift? Thats a dollar! Need to wrap that Gift? Thats a Dollar too!
Lets say you are the one throwing that Party.
Cake Mix, Frosting, Candles and a Pan to Bake it in: 4 Dollars
2 Kinds of Party Favors for 8: 2 Dollars
Party Napkins cups plates for 8: 6 dollars tops
2 Bottles of Juice: 2 dollars
Decorations, Table cloth: 2 Dollars
See for 20 Dollars, you have done it up right
I dont know why I find it so funny to go by a Walmart and see a Dollar store right there by it. Who in their right mind would build a dollar store right in the parking lot of the worlds largest dollar store? Talk about a Business plan to fail. Some of the things you find in a Dollar Store too. You used to have to spend 20 dollars on an Arcade game when the fair came to town to win this crap. Now you dont need to play the dozers for an hour and 30 bucks to win a pair of fingernail clippers. Just go to the Dollar store. Those Carnies must just be chapped. Hell that just might be the answer. Those Carnies got a line on the Carnival Suppliers and have now opened up Dollar Stores across the U.S. Ive never seen anyone who owns one of these Dollar Stores. That could be the answer to the whole mystery.
Lets say you are the one throwing that Party.
Cake Mix, Frosting, Candles and a Pan to Bake it in: 4 Dollars
2 Kinds of Party Favors for 8: 2 Dollars
Party Napkins cups plates for 8: 6 dollars tops
2 Bottles of Juice: 2 dollars
Decorations, Table cloth: 2 Dollars
See for 20 Dollars, you have done it up right
I dont know why I find it so funny to go by a Walmart and see a Dollar store right there by it. Who in their right mind would build a dollar store right in the parking lot of the worlds largest dollar store? Talk about a Business plan to fail. Some of the things you find in a Dollar Store too. You used to have to spend 20 dollars on an Arcade game when the fair came to town to win this crap. Now you dont need to play the dozers for an hour and 30 bucks to win a pair of fingernail clippers. Just go to the Dollar store. Those Carnies must just be chapped. Hell that just might be the answer. Those Carnies got a line on the Carnival Suppliers and have now opened up Dollar Stores across the U.S. Ive never seen anyone who owns one of these Dollar Stores. That could be the answer to the whole mystery.
Ramen Noodles a total mystery how they do it
I find Ramen Noodles an intriguing item. Even from the inception. Its a Japanese dish, made in China for consumption by Americans, who are often on a serious or tight budget. Where else could you spend .10 cents and get your total caloric, and double your sodium allowance for 1 day in 1 meal? I bet more College students eat Ramen Noodles than anyone else in the world. I find it also amazing that its been around since at least the 17th century. That's a long Damn time!
Here is Wikipedias explanation of Ramen in the US.
In North America, Japanese noodles were imported starting in the 1970s bearing the name "ramen" and today it most commonly refers to instant noodles. It gained popularity as a Japanese dish of noodle soup which sold so well in the United States in the late 1970s that imports from Japan were supplanted by American manufacturers by the mid-1980s as a popular food item for tight income buyers. Today, due to its very low cost, ramen has become characterized in the United States as a very cheap food eaten by people such as students or teenagers. A packet of instant ramen in a U.S. supermarket often costs as little as 10 cents. Some generic brands often cost as little as 8 cents per packet, or are sold in bulk. In America, Ramen is becoming increasingly popular, especially in respect to teenagers.
That gets to another thing that amazes me. They can cost from 8 to 10 cents? That is Scary in and of itself. Think about that for a minute. The Noodles which have to be made in huge quantities to satisfy the demand. How much production space is that? How much is the cost of the Facilities? And I would think a process like that takes plenty of room. Add on top of that, the cost of the ingredients to make them. You add on the Labor cost and you have almost used up 10 cents I would think. You haven't even gotten to the cost of Packaging, the Sauce Packet that goes inside of it, or the cost to move that stuff to your local Grocery Store. Then your local Grocery Store needs to make a profit on the thing just for taking shelf space and their overhead involved with handling it.
Check this out, this thing made me laugh. I wonder why our Universities don't have at least one of these in every dormitory.
Here is Wikipedias explanation of Ramen in the US.
In North America, Japanese noodles were imported starting in the 1970s bearing the name "ramen" and today it most commonly refers to instant noodles. It gained popularity as a Japanese dish of noodle soup which sold so well in the United States in the late 1970s that imports from Japan were supplanted by American manufacturers by the mid-1980s as a popular food item for tight income buyers. Today, due to its very low cost, ramen has become characterized in the United States as a very cheap food eaten by people such as students or teenagers. A packet of instant ramen in a U.S. supermarket often costs as little as 10 cents. Some generic brands often cost as little as 8 cents per packet, or are sold in bulk. In America, Ramen is becoming increasingly popular, especially in respect to teenagers.
That gets to another thing that amazes me. They can cost from 8 to 10 cents? That is Scary in and of itself. Think about that for a minute. The Noodles which have to be made in huge quantities to satisfy the demand. How much production space is that? How much is the cost of the Facilities? And I would think a process like that takes plenty of room. Add on top of that, the cost of the ingredients to make them. You add on the Labor cost and you have almost used up 10 cents I would think. You haven't even gotten to the cost of Packaging, the Sauce Packet that goes inside of it, or the cost to move that stuff to your local Grocery Store. Then your local Grocery Store needs to make a profit on the thing just for taking shelf space and their overhead involved with handling it.
Check this out, this thing made me laugh. I wonder why our Universities don't have at least one of these in every dormitory.

DID we get to the Moon?
Will I?
As Carl Spackler once said quoting the Dali Llama,
"When you die, on your Deathbed, you will receive total consciousness. So I got that going for me, which is nice"
I just want the answer to, "Did we make it to the Moon?" I don’t think we did, and it’s not any type of conspiracy theory crap others subscribe to. I will tell you the reasons for my questioning it in the first place.
1. We cannot get out of the Atmosphere with the current Billions of dollars spent on the new Space Vehicle Technology. We were able to accomplish this back in the late 60s and early 70s with technology from the 1950s. I am taking a stab at the fact that not a lot has changed with the time frame of using current technology. We develop something, test the crap out of it (about 10 years), and then deploy it. From what I’ve always understood, we don’t abandon Technology that works, we expand on it.
2. Why haven’t we been back, if we were able to get there 18 times back then? 6 of those Landings were manned missions (allegedly). If we were able to explore, perform tests, bring back samples and the like, then why not go back for more? We certainly could not have gotten everything we would like to have discovered done in 6 manned missions. We know whats in the Antarctic too, but we have a research station that we continue to send scientists to, and they continue performing research studies.
3. We cannot get a Wireless company to carry a phone call across town that does not break up or drop off totally. You expect us to believe they had the Technology to transmit not only voice (real time) back and forth, but Video too? This was in the 60s, why have we not improved on this?
4. Why would we spend trillions on the International Space Station, Not just the U.S. but like 5 other countries as well, that sits in the middle of space or in Low Earths Orbit? Would’t it make more sense to build that Station on the Moon? Where it could work as a Staging station to get to further planets? Say Mars? Maybe it’s out of the way. But a Space Station in the Middle of Space, where couldn't a piece of debris or a meteor the size of a dime turn that thing into a billion pieces of Space junk? Could it possibly eliminate any future space travel in that area safely? It just doesn’t make sense to me.
5. Don’t you think we would have pictures of crap we left behind on the Moon taken by Telescopes here on Earth? I’ve never seen any, haven’t heard of anyone looking at the Moon and saying, Hey look! there is the Land Rover the Astronauts left behind. Looks like it has a flat. And that Flag looks pretty tattered they left flying there after they hit a golf Ball into Space. Which brings up another question, if they had to eat Tang from a Ketchup Packet to save space, who the hell let him on that Rocket with a Golf Club?
These are just some of the reasons I don’t believe we ever made it to the Moon. I guess there are many people who do believe it. But hey that’s their prerogative and no I don’t laugh at them for believing so. It’s all good.
As Carl Spackler once said quoting the Dali Llama,
"When you die, on your Deathbed, you will receive total consciousness. So I got that going for me, which is nice"
I just want the answer to, "Did we make it to the Moon?" I don’t think we did, and it’s not any type of conspiracy theory crap others subscribe to. I will tell you the reasons for my questioning it in the first place.
1. We cannot get out of the Atmosphere with the current Billions of dollars spent on the new Space Vehicle Technology. We were able to accomplish this back in the late 60s and early 70s with technology from the 1950s. I am taking a stab at the fact that not a lot has changed with the time frame of using current technology. We develop something, test the crap out of it (about 10 years), and then deploy it. From what I’ve always understood, we don’t abandon Technology that works, we expand on it.
2. Why haven’t we been back, if we were able to get there 18 times back then? 6 of those Landings were manned missions (allegedly). If we were able to explore, perform tests, bring back samples and the like, then why not go back for more? We certainly could not have gotten everything we would like to have discovered done in 6 manned missions. We know whats in the Antarctic too, but we have a research station that we continue to send scientists to, and they continue performing research studies.
3. We cannot get a Wireless company to carry a phone call across town that does not break up or drop off totally. You expect us to believe they had the Technology to transmit not only voice (real time) back and forth, but Video too? This was in the 60s, why have we not improved on this?
4. Why would we spend trillions on the International Space Station, Not just the U.S. but like 5 other countries as well, that sits in the middle of space or in Low Earths Orbit? Would’t it make more sense to build that Station on the Moon? Where it could work as a Staging station to get to further planets? Say Mars? Maybe it’s out of the way. But a Space Station in the Middle of Space, where couldn't a piece of debris or a meteor the size of a dime turn that thing into a billion pieces of Space junk? Could it possibly eliminate any future space travel in that area safely? It just doesn’t make sense to me.
5. Don’t you think we would have pictures of crap we left behind on the Moon taken by Telescopes here on Earth? I’ve never seen any, haven’t heard of anyone looking at the Moon and saying, Hey look! there is the Land Rover the Astronauts left behind. Looks like it has a flat. And that Flag looks pretty tattered they left flying there after they hit a golf Ball into Space. Which brings up another question, if they had to eat Tang from a Ketchup Packet to save space, who the hell let him on that Rocket with a Golf Club?
These are just some of the reasons I don’t believe we ever made it to the Moon. I guess there are many people who do believe it. But hey that’s their prerogative and no I don’t laugh at them for believing so. It’s all good.
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