She loves her animals. She does everything she can for them. Its amazing how much she Loves her animals actually. Have you ever had that thought? The one where someone just cant help but how they are, and they seem destined for a profession. Its kinda like that.
I have two of the most wonderful kids.
There are some people who get their calling early and that's a wonderful thing for the person and for the people in the profession because it's where they are meant to be! And some never truly find the best fit! I wish her much success!
I wanted to be a vet too. I even applied for different schools after high school...but due to misleading information and a lack of interest in spending a year preparing for something that may not happen, I decided to do the University thing instead. Best of luck to Ava! She'll make a wonderful vet!
Adorable! Do you think our kids will marry each other? I'm thinking Isaac and Ava and Tess and Benjamin.....
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