OK I got the permission I needed to post. I and some other had planned to meet over here in the U.S and celebrate an event. Well dates got tossed around, peeps got tossed around and it was slowly coming apart this event. A few things happened or maybe a few other things didn't happen, but my Norwegian friend Linn stuck to her plans and made it! She never wavered from the planned date of the end of July thru the first weekend of August. Following is a play by play of how Linn came and stayed with my family.
For the whole month of July my kids kept counting down the days until Linn was coming to stay at our house. Well during the week leading up to her arrival, I had taken time off and was finishing up projects that had been put off for about a year. The kids getting things ready, asking me how many more days, how long will she stay, does she speak English. You know the general questions kids ask.
Well the day came our Norwegian friend was due to arrive and my youngest Ava wanted to head to the Airport with me. She was talking the whole way to the Airport and as we sat patiently waiting for Linn to arrive, Ava asks me, "Have you ever seen Linn?" I told her I have seen pictures of her and I didn't think I would have any problem seeing Linn if she was to come walking out of the gate. She had seen pictures too of Linn, but was filling up nervous time with chatter. Well here comes Linn and of course we have no problem recognizing her. Ava greets her bashfully right along with me. Well its late, somewhere around 11:00 PM and we have a 28 mile drive from the Airport to get home. We arrive and Diana and Tess are waiting for us when we arrive. Actually I think they were in bed but got up when we got home. We showed Linn where she would be staying(the Master Suite) and showed her what we thought she would need to know and got her situated. We talked a bit and got to know each other a bit, then went to bed.
We started out the next day kind of laid back. We waited for Linn to get out of bed and get around before having breakfast. We didn't do a whole lot that day except hang around the house and goof off mostly. We had stuff planned to do but didn't want to hit the ground running since we have never traveled that far, we didn't know how the time change, the long flights, the time spent in airports, all that would affect someone. Well she came through all of that just fine. I cannot remember what order or what days the events that took place happened on so I will just tell you what we did while she was here.
The next night after her arrival the Kids still had fireworks left from the 4th of July, so we lit those off on the back Patio. We went shopping more than once. Not like power shopping, but places Linn wanted to go. The Kids kind of took over Linn's exercise regimen. They had her jumping on the trampoline almost daily. Water fights were also on the agenda. There were some firsts for Linn while she was here too.
We went to the Horse Races and Linn Bet on a horse that paid out big for her.
Obviously not enough to skip College and go straight to retirement, but a pretty good amount for a first time wager. It was ironic that the Horses name was Bruneau as that was another place we took Linn. Bruneau Dunes was on the agenda where we took Linn so she could see the tallest Sand Dune in North America. Hopefully she had a good time there. It was Hot! We climbed the Dunes,
the kids played in the water,
We took her to a good old fashioned drive in Movie. That's so American. We were at the mercy of their schedule obviously. We saw Cars which none of us had seen. We now own the DVD and the kids mention Linn every time they watch it.
We Barbecued several times while she was with us and one night I started a fire and we had S'mores. That too is so American. We took her to my favorite Coffee Bar and we had an awesome time. Actually the Flying M Coffee House had just expanded and opened up a 2nd shop closer to home so we visited both locations many times.
We Flew Rockets. That's something I take my kids to do and they enjoy it. Linn wanted to see it, well at least she said she did. So we went and flew Rockets.
We lost 2 Rockets that day. One crashed and destroyed itself, and another one went into a Farmers Bean field and we never could locate it.
My daughters have this Chinese restaurant they love to go to. They had to take Linn and let her have the experience. Hopefully she liked the Buffet Bar Chinese style.
We have since moved and are no longer close to that place any more. We will probably drive over there and enjoy the place anyway.
We spent some time in Boise(Idahos Capital City) and walked down a Historic Blvd and looked at some old houses. Some of the oldest houses in Boise. Went to the Flying M Boise this time and enjoyed the atmosphere of the original location. We went to the Outlet Mall where it isn't really any big deal after you figure out its just another Mall of over priced crap, but we looked around and still ended up buying a few things. While we were there we had lunch.
At the end of her 10 day stay, We went to Hailey for the Music Festival.
My Wife and I have been going up there for a few years during the festival and enjoy it. We got into Hailey and checked into the Hotel. A cheap but clean place. Its not much to look at, but really who is in their room any way? We went to the festival and enjoyed the first night.
The music wasn't too bad. We had brought some beer with us and had a few of those, ate some food we had brought, and watched people, watched music, and watched security(that's always entertaining). There is always something entertaining even if its not on the stage. After the Festival ended we went to The Mint bar and had a couple of Drinks there before heading back to the Hotel and off to bed. While we were at the Mint, my Mother in Law who went with us to Hailey, got hit on. this guy used a classic line Ive never heard. He said," Hey do you want to dance? Or anything?" what is she had said, "Sure, lets go bowling!"
The next day we got up and ate Breakfast at Shorty's Diner in Hailey.
Its not bad, but its one of the only places to eat breakfast in Hailey. After breakfast we went to Ketchum(which is in the middle of a huge forest fire right now and parts have been evacuated) and did some shopping and walking around. Linn even got a call from her Dad up in Ketchum.
Ketchum is a great town for looking around and shopping. After a Day of shopping there we went back to Hailey to get ready for Day 2 of the Festival.
We got there a little later since we went shopping for some food to eat at the Festival. We had some stuff left from the day before, but we got more at the local Grocery store we all thought was awesome. They have a play structure at the Park where the Festival is held, that has everything a kid could want to play on. Its huge. After the Festival, we went back to the Mint again, this time my wife went with us and shot some pool, had some Beers, and went back to the Hotel.
The next morning we got up and got everything packed up. We spent one last hour or two milling around Hailey before heading to the store and getting something for everyone to eat because we had to get Linn to the Airport. We took her into the Airport and I had Tess with me this time. We said goodbye to Linn and watched her wind through the Security ropes and head to her plane.
We hated to see out guest leave.
I have never heard your version of last year...Permission granted.
*stamps important paper*
Ahhh....I loved your story. I'm still disappointed about not coming although it was the right decision. I knew Linni would be a great house guest.
i live in hailey and the huge forest fire was called the Castle rock fire and the start of school was delayed for a week
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