I made it to the Show. He had a pretty rough interview with the Jackasses from the local paper. He may not of at that time felt good about doing a show here, but he never showed it on stage. He was a class act all the way. The people who made it to the show, seemed to absolutely enjoy the show. I was talking to people and no one seemed to know a single Billy Bob song. By the time the show started and by the end of the first song, he owned that crowd. He played to the crowd, and they gave him all the love back. Actually the numbers may not of been what he expected, but the people who were there, Loved the show. The Band was tight. Those Musicians appeared to have been together for some time. Very well done on their behalf too. It was funny, Billy Bob was his own opening act. That was hilarious. The people were very respectful, I didn't hear one flippant comment the whole night. I know in the interview they eluded to the fact he may of expected to get some. It was all love and I hope he comes back again.
I just hope the small turnout, show on a Monday Night, school had just started, the State Fair was here all weekend, doesn't discourage him from roaming back this way. I would definitely go see him again.
I am also going to write to the Local Piece of Shit rag, and tell them, If you Assholes want to talk to someone who did nothing to you but perform his ass off to entertain you, someone who didn't start up any shit with you, that agreed to take time out of his life to humor your sub par, uninformative, biased, piece of shit. Let it be a guest piece. Let someone who appreciates what others do for them do the interview and submit it to your paper. I didn't appreciate the fact they pissed him off from the first question. GOD!! Idaho has some real assholes.
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