I'm not obsessed with the Moon, really I'm not

I just find it hard to believe some of the crap going around lately about it. Along with my long held belief that they cant prove we have ever been there. Honestly, this article in Computer World has Google making it sound as if roving around on the Moon and sending back pictures is a huge accomplishment. If Google can't after turning over every stone find evidence we have been there, they must want to turn over Moon stones too. If we landed people on the moon back in the 70's. We can certainly land a rover and take pictures can't we? I mean heck its a Moon. Not some distant sister planet or anything. Why doesn't NASA take that Rocket(that made it to the Moon)out of the Smithsonian, fly it to the Moon, have some Astronaut take a couple of pictures, pick up some moon sand, and come home. Put the Rocket back into the Smithsonian. NASA certainly could use that prize money. They could put on the side of the Rocket, "NOT NASA". That way they could qualify for the Prize. They could also prove once and for all they really did go to the Moon, and in the Apollo Rockets.


jeff said...

OK Levon, you're missing one important element in the whole "Why haven't we been back" discussion. Don't you remember? We used to think the moon was made of green cheese. In 1969, we landed and found out it wasn't. We haven't been back since. Behold, the power of cheese.


Beatnik said...

Check this out! It would be even easier than I anticipated. According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_V
We still have one unused Rocket ready to roll. Why haven't they launched it? If you also read, they used to fly day or night, rain or shine. This Shuttle program they have now, they cant even fly if a rain drop is detected 80 miles away.