I never thought it would happen

But I do like American Idol. I love Music anyway, but something about people with talent yet to be discovered makes it really enjoyable. There happens to be such a guy on the show now. He wont win the thing because of the stupid people who vote not based on talent. They have already sent a couple of the talented ones home. I think David Cook should win the whole thing. Here are two reasons why.

Reason 1

Reason 2

Ok here is Reason 3

They will probably give it to that no talent punk David Archuletta who goes out there and gets all the little girls worked up. I have to admit Syesha Mercado has flat turned it on and has been performing some great songs. I think once she figured out anyone who wanted to hear Whitney Houston, already has her albums she is doing alright.

We shall see.


Ski said...

Beat watching Idol? Im lovin' it.

jeff said...

You got this one right. I'd pay to see him (or Michael Johns) in concert tomorrow. Let's hope the tweenie-boppers aren't enough to push The Hobbit Who Sings over the top.