I am Iron Man!
No Not the song by Black Sabbath, although they do use it in this Movie, but the fact we are getting this Movie at all is awesome to me. It is another one that looks like it will be awesome! I am just a fan of Comics made movies. I often do not care they are sometimes Cheezy, that sometimes they have a slight disconnect. How many people have ever read a Comic book and said to themselves, "NO WAY! That couldnt really happen." or "Thats Impossible!" I mean what are they comparing it to? Your mind taking the story in a comic book and expounding on the whole thing, shouldnt be any more or less credible on a screen. Maybe its just me and maybe I dont know how to say what I mean. Anyway, Iron man is coming to the Screen, and I think Robert Downey Jr may of been a good choice for Iron Man, maybe not. I will reserve judgement until I see it. But it looks good to me. I like his Sarcasm in the Trailer, maybe a whole hour of it would wear thin, I dont know. Still I cant wait.

How Awesome is this gonna be?!

Its sad what happened with Heath Ledger, but from the Trailer for the Dark Knight, he is freaky good as the Joker. It is scary how he looks like he could be the Joker. I cannot wait to see this movie.

I love the fact they are re-doing the Batman story using the Dark Knight series this time. It is darker, more sinister, people dying. You know when Batman is out for Revenge, people are gonna die. The Joker was an Evil Bastard who had a total disconnect and was psychotic to boot. Should be exciting. Cant wait!
OH wow! I wish we still had these!

By LAURAN NEERGAARD, Associated Press Writer
Tue Feb 19, 5:08 PM ET
WASHINGTON - A frog the size of a bowling ball, with heavy armor and teeth, lived among dinosaurs millions of years ago — intimidating enough that scientists who unearthed its fossils dubbed the beast Beelzebufo, or Devil Toad. But its size — 10 pounds and 16 inches long — isn't the only curiosity. Researchers discovered the creature's bones in Madagascar. Yet it seems to be a close relative of normal-sized frogs who today live half a world away in South America, challenging assumptions about ancient geography.
The discovery, led by paleontologist David Krause at New York's Stony Brook University, was published Monday by the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "This frog, if it has the same habits as its living relatives in South America, was quite voracious," Krause said. "It's even conceivable that it could have taken down some hatchling dinosaurs."
Krause began finding fragments of abnormally large frog bones in Madagascar, off the coast of Africa, in 1993. They dated back to the late Cretaceous period, roughly 70 million years ago, in an area where Krause also was finding dinosaur and crocodile fossils. But only recently did Krause's team assemble enough frog bones to piece together what the creature would have looked like, and weighed.
The largest living frog, the Goliath frog of West Africa, can reach 7 pounds. But Krause teamed with fossil frog experts from University College London to determine that Beelzebufo isn't related to other African frogs.
It seems to be a relative of South American horned frogs, known scientifically as Ceratophrys. Popular as pets, they're sometimes called pacman frogs for their huge mouths. Like those modern frogs, Beelzebufo [The name comes from the Greek word for devil, Beelzebub, and Latin for toad, bufo (pronounced boo-foe)].
had a wide mouth and powerful jaws, plus teeth. Skull bones were extremely thick, with ridges and grooves characteristic of some type of armor or protective shield.
The family link raises a paleontology puzzle: Standard theory for how the continents drifted apart show what is now Madagascar would have been long separated by ocean from South America during Beelzebufo's time. And frogs can't survive long in salt water, Krause noted. He contends the giant frog provides evidence for competing theories that some bridge still connected the land masses that late in time, perhaps via an Antarctica that was much warmer than today.
OK heres the deal
I was watching TV the other night and they say there is a SPY Satellite going to fall to Earth Harmlessly in several small pieces, may just burn up on re-entry. A Week later, they say it has a harmful unused Fuel that probably wont burn up on re-entry, but may split open when it doesnt land so harmlessly back on Earth. The reason they are telling the world this? Your guess is as good as mine. But if you dont believe in conspiracy theories you go on and believe everything they tell you. If you happen to believe in conspiracy theories, dont believe a word of it. I fall somewhere in the middle of the whole thing myself and here is the reason why.
They(our Government) knew that day, back in 2006 when the thing launched, it was a dud. Why two years later are we still messing with this thing? When we launched the Hubble Telescope back in 1990, it had a bad mirror basically rendering it a useless piece of space junk. Did we Fret over that and wait for it to fall back to Earth? Hell NO! We sent another multi billion dollar space project into space to fix it. After all, thats what we built those shuttles for isnt it? Well at least I recall the Government telling me that on at least one occasion. It worked, the Hubble was put back into its orbit to continue the Mission.
Why then, if we have known for two years this all of a sudden huge hazzard to humans on Earth was coming down, havent we controlled a mission where the Shuttle coming back empty, stop and pick up a Satellite and throw it into a Cargo bay? Wouldnt that make a whole lot more sense? Does our Military or who ever owns this piece of junk have the Millions of dollars spent on this piece of crap to just let it go? Well here is another interesting thing, instead of letting it fall harmlessly to Earth and potentially burning up. They deemed the threat to the public so great, they decided t take the opportunity to rework a Military Rocket, and shoot the thing to pieces before it re enters the atmosphere. Yes! They are going to trust a low bidder creation of a Missile, to hit the thing in a spot no bigger than a Loaf of bread while its sailing through Space at a velocity of about 22,783 mph (36,667 kph). This doesnt even sound like a good idea. The potential for pieces of this thing to remain in space, something even the size of a Quarter flying around, potentially piercing anything flying in the area are far greater than I would care to risk.
See things are not adding up on this whole deal. Some day maybe all this will be declassified and we will know the truth. But I doubt it.
I am adding this bit of info from some Scientists speculating based on a built Model of the shooting down of this missile and some ill effects of an attempt by China to do this already.
Information the modelers do know:
The satellite has a mass of about 5,015 pounds (2,275 kilograms).
The missile would be fired from a ship in the North Pacific Ocean.
The interception would occur at an altitude of about 149 miles (240 kilometers).
The satellite and missile would close on one another at a velocity of about 22,783 mph (36,667 kph).
If left alone, the satellite is expected to re-enter Earth's atmosphere some time between the end of February and early March. About 2,500 pounds (1,134 kilograms) of satellite material would survive re-entry (the rest would burn up), including 1,000 pounds (453 kilograms) of hydrazine, according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Defense.
The collision between the fired missile and the satellite would not only break the massive hunk of metal into pieces but would also speed up its tumble through Earth's atmosphere.
"If you want to bring something down, you slow it down. You apply a force on it which results in it being slowed down and decrease in its orbit," Carrico told SPACE.com. "Right at that point where they want to engage [the satellite] is at the edge of the atmosphere, so you're bringing it down faster."
The plan comes on the heels of the intentional destruction last year of China's Fengyun-1C weather satellite, which produced a flurry of concern over the hostile-or-not nature of the firing as well as a serious load of shrapnel littering Earth orbit. That debris is still in space, frustrating mission managers and satellite operators forced to dodge the potentially debilitating bits.
USA-193 is already on its way toward Earth and the interception will take place at a much lower altitude than that of the China satellite, presumably meaning that whatever happens, there will not be a fresh load of small junk sent into perpetual orbit.
If more details were made public, the model results could change depending on several factors, including the location of the ships and when the missile is fired.
"How the missile hits the satellite will affect how quickly the debris re-enters and what the velocity is between the objects and how they hit," Hall said. "Are they attempting to get most of the debris to come down in the Pacific almost immediately? Or ... over the course of two or three revolutions, is most of it going to start to fall out? If we had different information about the engagement we could re-run our model.
They(our Government) knew that day, back in 2006 when the thing launched, it was a dud. Why two years later are we still messing with this thing? When we launched the Hubble Telescope back in 1990, it had a bad mirror basically rendering it a useless piece of space junk. Did we Fret over that and wait for it to fall back to Earth? Hell NO! We sent another multi billion dollar space project into space to fix it. After all, thats what we built those shuttles for isnt it? Well at least I recall the Government telling me that on at least one occasion. It worked, the Hubble was put back into its orbit to continue the Mission.
Why then, if we have known for two years this all of a sudden huge hazzard to humans on Earth was coming down, havent we controlled a mission where the Shuttle coming back empty, stop and pick up a Satellite and throw it into a Cargo bay? Wouldnt that make a whole lot more sense? Does our Military or who ever owns this piece of junk have the Millions of dollars spent on this piece of crap to just let it go? Well here is another interesting thing, instead of letting it fall harmlessly to Earth and potentially burning up. They deemed the threat to the public so great, they decided t take the opportunity to rework a Military Rocket, and shoot the thing to pieces before it re enters the atmosphere. Yes! They are going to trust a low bidder creation of a Missile, to hit the thing in a spot no bigger than a Loaf of bread while its sailing through Space at a velocity of about 22,783 mph (36,667 kph). This doesnt even sound like a good idea. The potential for pieces of this thing to remain in space, something even the size of a Quarter flying around, potentially piercing anything flying in the area are far greater than I would care to risk.
See things are not adding up on this whole deal. Some day maybe all this will be declassified and we will know the truth. But I doubt it.
I am adding this bit of info from some Scientists speculating based on a built Model of the shooting down of this missile and some ill effects of an attempt by China to do this already.
Information the modelers do know:
The satellite has a mass of about 5,015 pounds (2,275 kilograms).
The missile would be fired from a ship in the North Pacific Ocean.
The interception would occur at an altitude of about 149 miles (240 kilometers).
The satellite and missile would close on one another at a velocity of about 22,783 mph (36,667 kph).
If left alone, the satellite is expected to re-enter Earth's atmosphere some time between the end of February and early March. About 2,500 pounds (1,134 kilograms) of satellite material would survive re-entry (the rest would burn up), including 1,000 pounds (453 kilograms) of hydrazine, according to a statement from the U.S. Department of Defense.
The collision between the fired missile and the satellite would not only break the massive hunk of metal into pieces but would also speed up its tumble through Earth's atmosphere.
"If you want to bring something down, you slow it down. You apply a force on it which results in it being slowed down and decrease in its orbit," Carrico told SPACE.com. "Right at that point where they want to engage [the satellite] is at the edge of the atmosphere, so you're bringing it down faster."
The plan comes on the heels of the intentional destruction last year of China's Fengyun-1C weather satellite, which produced a flurry of concern over the hostile-or-not nature of the firing as well as a serious load of shrapnel littering Earth orbit. That debris is still in space, frustrating mission managers and satellite operators forced to dodge the potentially debilitating bits.
USA-193 is already on its way toward Earth and the interception will take place at a much lower altitude than that of the China satellite, presumably meaning that whatever happens, there will not be a fresh load of small junk sent into perpetual orbit.
If more details were made public, the model results could change depending on several factors, including the location of the ships and when the missile is fired.
"How the missile hits the satellite will affect how quickly the debris re-enters and what the velocity is between the objects and how they hit," Hall said. "Are they attempting to get most of the debris to come down in the Pacific almost immediately? Or ... over the course of two or three revolutions, is most of it going to start to fall out? If we had different information about the engagement we could re-run our model.
What can I say? I mean really!
I have been slacking off on my Blog. I dont have a computer at home so I work on this blog when I can. Lately I havent had any conspiracy theories to report on. No travesties other than not enough Bruce Willis material being produced.
I do have one most awesome event to report though, we went to our 9th Daddy Daughter Valentines dance. Some one told me to enjoy that while it lasts because my daughters wont want anything to do with me in a couple of years. Does that really happen? or is it more what you will or wont do with them. See with my kids, its a lot of give and take. I take them places I want to go, I go to places they want to go. I dont force them, but as anyone will attest, if you dont hang with me, you just might miss something.
I will create something to blog about and I will try not to disappoint my Norwegian friend. She cant see my You tube material all the time. I love You tube, it is recorded history like no other!
I will make a new posting soon!
I do have one most awesome event to report though, we went to our 9th Daddy Daughter Valentines dance. Some one told me to enjoy that while it lasts because my daughters wont want anything to do with me in a couple of years. Does that really happen? or is it more what you will or wont do with them. See with my kids, its a lot of give and take. I take them places I want to go, I go to places they want to go. I dont force them, but as anyone will attest, if you dont hang with me, you just might miss something.
I will create something to blog about and I will try not to disappoint my Norwegian friend. She cant see my You tube material all the time. I love You tube, it is recorded history like no other!
I will make a new posting soon!
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